Source code for json2xml.dicttoxml

from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import logging
import numbers
from import Callable, Sequence
from random import SystemRandom
from typing import Any, Dict, Union

from defusedxml.minidom import parseString

# Create a safe random number generator
safe_random = SystemRandom()

# Set up logging
LOG = logging.getLogger("dicttoxml")

[docs] def make_id(element: str, start: int = 100000, end: int = 999999) -> str: """ Generate a random ID for a given element. Args: element (str): The element to generate an ID for. start (int, optional): The lower bound for the random number. Defaults to 100000. end (int, optional): The upper bound for the random number. Defaults to 999999. Returns: str: The generated ID. """ return f"{element}_{safe_random.randint(start, end)}"
[docs] def get_unique_id(element: str) -> str: """ Generate a unique ID for a given element. Args: element (str): The element to generate an ID for. Returns: str: The unique ID. """ ids: list[str] = [] # initialize list of unique ids this_id = make_id(element) dup = True while dup: if this_id not in ids: dup = False ids.append(this_id) else: this_id = make_id(element) return ids[-1]
ELEMENT = Union[ str, int, float, bool, numbers.Number, Sequence[str], datetime.datetime,, None, dict[str, Any], ]
[docs] def get_xml_type(val: ELEMENT) -> str: """ Get the XML type of a given value. Args: val (ELEMENT): The value to get the type of. Returns: str: The XML type. """ if val is not None: if type(val).__name__ in ("str", "unicode"): return "str" if type(val).__name__ in ("int", "long"): return "int" if type(val).__name__ == "float": return "float" if type(val).__name__ == "bool": return "bool" if isinstance(val, numbers.Number): return "number" if isinstance(val, dict): return "dict" if isinstance(val, Sequence): return "list" else: return "null" return type(val).__name__
[docs] def escape_xml(s: str | numbers.Number) -> str: """ Escape a string for use in XML. Args: s (str | numbers.Number): The string to escape. Returns: str: The escaped string. """ if isinstance(s, str): s = str(s) # avoid UnicodeDecodeError s = s.replace("&", "&amp;") s = s.replace('"', "&quot;") s = s.replace("'", "&apos;") s = s.replace("<", "&lt;") s = s.replace(">", "&gt;") return str(s)
[docs] def make_attrstring(attr: dict[str, Any]) -> str: """ Create a string of XML attributes from a dictionary. Args: attr (dict[str, Any]): The dictionary of attributes. Returns: str: The string of XML attributes. """ attrstring = " ".join([f'{k}="{v}"' for k, v in attr.items()]) return f'{" " if attrstring != "" else ""}{attrstring}'
[docs] def key_is_valid_xml(key: str) -> bool: """ Check if a key is a valid XML name. Args: key (str): The key to check. Returns: bool: True if the key is a valid XML name, False otherwise. """ test_xml = f'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><{key}>foo</{key}>' try: parseString(test_xml) return True except Exception: # minidom does not implement exceptions well return False
[docs] def make_valid_xml_name(key: str, attr: dict[str, Any]) -> tuple[str, dict[str, Any]]: """Tests an XML name and fixes it if invalid""" key = escape_xml(key) # nothing happens at escape_xml if attr is not a string, we don't # need to pass it to the method at all. # attr = escape_xml(attr) # pass through if key is already valid if key_is_valid_xml(key): return key, attr # prepend a lowercase n if the key is numeric if isinstance(key, int) or key.isdigit(): return f"n{key}", attr # replace spaces with underscores if that fixes the problem if key_is_valid_xml(key.replace(" ", "_")): return key.replace(" ", "_"), attr # allow namespace prefixes + ignore @flat in key if key_is_valid_xml(key.replace(":", "").replace("@flat", "")): return key, attr # key is still invalid - move it into a name attribute attr["name"] = key key = "key" return key, attr
[docs] def wrap_cdata(s: str | numbers.Number) -> str: """Wraps a string into CDATA sections""" s = str(s).replace("]]>", "]]]]><![CDATA[>") return "<![CDATA[" + s + "]]>"
[docs] def default_item_func(parent: str) -> str: return "item"
[docs] def convert( obj: ELEMENT, ids: Any, attr_type: bool, item_func: Callable[[str], str], cdata: bool, item_wrap: bool, parent: str = "root", list_headers: bool = False, ) -> str: """Routes the elements of an object to the right function to convert them based on their data type""" item_name = item_func(parent) # since bool is also a subtype of number.Number and int, the check for bool # never comes and hence we get wrong value for the xml type bool # here, we just change order and check for bool first, because no other # type other than bool can be true for bool check if isinstance(obj, bool): return convert_bool(key=item_name, val=obj, attr_type=attr_type, cdata=cdata) if isinstance(obj, numbers.Number): return convert_kv( key=item_name, val=obj, attr_type=attr_type, attr={}, cdata=cdata ) if isinstance(obj, str): return convert_kv( key=item_name, val=obj, attr_type=attr_type, attr={}, cdata=cdata ) if hasattr(obj, "isoformat") and isinstance( obj, (datetime.datetime, ): return convert_kv( key=item_name, val=obj.isoformat(), attr_type=attr_type, attr={}, cdata=cdata, ) if obj is None: return convert_none(key=item_name, attr_type=attr_type, cdata=cdata) if isinstance(obj, dict): return convert_dict(obj, ids, parent, attr_type, item_func, cdata, item_wrap, list_headers=list_headers) if isinstance(obj, Sequence): return convert_list(obj, ids, parent, attr_type, item_func, cdata, item_wrap, list_headers=list_headers) raise TypeError(f"Unsupported data type: {obj} ({type(obj).__name__})")
[docs] def is_primitive_type(val: Any) -> bool: t = get_xml_type(val) return t in {"str", "int", "float", "bool", "number", "null"}
[docs] def dict2xml_str( attr_type: bool, attr: dict[str, Any], item: dict[str, Any], item_func: Callable[[str], str], cdata: bool, item_name: str, item_wrap: bool, parentIsList: bool, parent: str = "", list_headers: bool = False, ) -> str: """ parse dict2xml """ ids: list[str] = [] # initialize list of unique ids ", ".join(str(key) for key in item) if attr_type: attr["type"] = get_xml_type(item) val_attr: dict[str, str] = item.pop("@attrs", attr) # update attr with custom @attr if exists rawitem = item["@val"] if "@val" in item else item if is_primitive_type(rawitem): if isinstance(rawitem, str): subtree = escape_xml(rawitem) else: subtree = rawitem else: # we can not use convert_dict, because rawitem could be non-dict subtree = convert( rawitem, ids, attr_type, item_func, cdata, item_wrap, item_name, list_headers=list_headers ) if parentIsList and list_headers: if len(val_attr) > 0 and not item_wrap: attrstring = make_attrstring(val_attr) return f"<{parent}{attrstring}>{subtree}</{parent}>" return f"<{parent}>{subtree}</{parent}>" elif item.get("@flat", False) or (parentIsList and not item_wrap): return subtree attrstring = make_attrstring(val_attr) return f"<{item_name}{attrstring}>{subtree}</{item_name}>"
[docs] def list2xml_str( attr_type: bool, attr: dict[str, Any], item: Sequence[Any], item_func: Callable[[str], str], cdata: bool, item_name: str, item_wrap: bool, list_headers: bool = False, ) -> str: ids: list[str] = [] # initialize list of unique ids if attr_type: attr["type"] = get_xml_type(item) flat = False if item_name.endswith("@flat"): item_name = item_name[0:-5] flat = True subtree = convert_list( items=item, ids=ids, parent=item_name, attr_type=attr_type, item_func=item_func, cdata=cdata, item_wrap=item_wrap, list_headers=list_headers ) if flat or (len(item) > 0 and is_primitive_type(item[0]) and not item_wrap): return subtree elif list_headers: return subtree attrstring = make_attrstring(attr) return f"<{item_name}{attrstring}>{subtree}</{item_name}>"
[docs] def convert_dict( obj: dict[str, Any], ids: list[str], parent: str, attr_type: bool, item_func: Callable[[str], str], cdata: bool, item_wrap: bool, list_headers: bool = False ) -> str: """Converts a dict into an XML string.""" output: list[str] = [] addline = output.append for key, val in obj.items(): attr = {} if not ids else {"id": f"{get_unique_id(parent)}"} key, attr = make_valid_xml_name(key, attr) # since bool is also a subtype of number.Number and int, the check for bool # never comes and hence we get wrong value for the xml type bool # here, we just change order and check for bool first, because no other # type other than bool can be true for bool check if isinstance(val, bool): addline(convert_bool(key, val, attr_type, attr, cdata)) elif isinstance(val, (numbers.Number, str)): addline( convert_kv( key=key, val=val, attr_type=attr_type, attr=attr, cdata=cdata ) ) elif hasattr(val, "isoformat"): # datetime addline( convert_kv( key=key, val=val.isoformat(), attr_type=attr_type, attr=attr, cdata=cdata, ) ) elif isinstance(val, dict): addline( dict2xml_str( attr_type, attr, val, item_func, cdata, key, item_wrap, False, list_headers=list_headers ) ) elif isinstance(val, Sequence): addline( list2xml_str( attr_type=attr_type, attr=attr, item=val, item_func=item_func, cdata=cdata, item_name=key, item_wrap=item_wrap, list_headers=list_headers ) ) elif not val: addline(convert_none(key, attr_type, attr, cdata)) else: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported data type: {val} ({type(val).__name__})") return "".join(output)
[docs] def convert_list( items: Sequence[Any], ids: list[str] | None, parent: str, attr_type: bool, item_func: Callable[[str], str], cdata: bool, item_wrap: bool, list_headers: bool = False, ) -> str: """Converts a list into an XML string.""" output: list[str] = [] addline = output.append item_name = item_func(parent) # Is item_name still relevant if item_wrap is false if item_name.endswith("@flat"): item_name = item_name[:-5] this_id = None if ids: this_id = get_unique_id(parent) for i, item in enumerate(items): attr = {} if not ids else {"id": f"{this_id}_{i + 1}"} if isinstance(item, bool): addline(convert_bool(item_name, item, attr_type, attr, cdata)) elif isinstance(item, (numbers.Number, str)): if item_wrap: addline( convert_kv( key=item_name, val=item, attr_type=attr_type, attr=attr, cdata=cdata, ) ) else: addline( convert_kv( key=parent, val=item, attr_type=attr_type, attr=attr, cdata=cdata, ) ) elif hasattr(item, "isoformat"): # datetime addline( convert_kv( key=item_name, val=item.isoformat(), attr_type=attr_type, attr=attr, cdata=cdata, ) ) elif isinstance(item, dict): addline( dict2xml_str( attr_type=attr_type, attr=attr, item=item, item_func=item_func, cdata=cdata, item_name=item_name, item_wrap=item_wrap, parentIsList=True, parent=parent, list_headers=list_headers ) ) elif isinstance(item, Sequence): addline( list2xml_str( attr_type=attr_type, attr=attr, item=item, item_func=item_func, cdata=cdata, item_name=item_name, item_wrap=item_wrap, list_headers=list_headers ) ) elif item is None: addline(convert_none(item_name, attr_type, attr, cdata)) else: raise TypeError(f"Unsupported data type: {item} ({type(item).__name__})") return "".join(output)
[docs] def convert_kv( key: str, val: str | numbers.Number, attr_type: bool, attr: dict[str, Any] = {}, cdata: bool = False, ) -> str: """Converts a number or string into an XML element""" key, attr = make_valid_xml_name(key, attr) if attr_type: attr["type"] = get_xml_type(val) attr_string = make_attrstring(attr) return f"<{key}{attr_string}>{wrap_cdata(val) if cdata else escape_xml(val)}</{key}>"
[docs] def convert_bool( key: str, val: bool, attr_type: bool, attr: dict[str, Any] = {}, cdata: bool = False ) -> str: """Converts a boolean into an XML element""" key, attr = make_valid_xml_name(key, attr) if attr_type: attr["type"] = get_xml_type(val) attr_string = make_attrstring(attr) return f"<{key}{attr_string}>{str(val).lower()}</{key}>"
[docs] def convert_none( key: str, attr_type: bool, attr: dict[str, Any] = {}, cdata: bool = False ) -> str: """Converts a null value into an XML element""" key, attr = make_valid_xml_name(key, attr) if attr_type: attr["type"] = get_xml_type(None) attr_string = make_attrstring(attr) return f"<{key}{attr_string}></{key}>"
[docs] def dicttoxml( obj: dict[str, Any], root: bool = True, custom_root: str = "root", ids: list[int] | None = None, attr_type: bool = True, item_wrap: bool = True, item_func: Callable[[str], str] = default_item_func, cdata: bool = False, xml_namespaces: dict[str, Any] = {}, list_headers: bool = False ) -> bytes: """ Converts a python object into XML. :param dict obj: dictionary :param bool root: Default is True specifies wheter the output is wrapped in an XML root element :param custom_root: Default is 'root' allows you to specify a custom root element. :param bool ids: Default is False specifies whether elements get unique ids. :param bool attr_type: Default is True specifies whether elements get a data type attribute. :param bool item_wrap: Default is True specifies whether to nest items in array in <item/> Example if True ..code-block:: python data = {'bike': ['blue', 'green']} .. code-block:: xml <bike> <item>blue</item> <item>green</item> </bike> Example if False ..code-block:: python data = {'bike': ['blue', 'green']} ..code-block:: xml <bike>blue</bike> <bike>green</bike>' :param item_func: items in a list. Default is 'item' specifies what function should generate the element name for :param bool cdata: Default is False specifies whether string values should be wrapped in CDATA sections. :param xml_namespaces: is a dictionary where key is xmlns prefix and value the urn, Default is {}. Example: .. code-block:: python { 'flex': '', 'xsl': ""} results in .. code-block:: xml <root xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:flex=""> :param bool list_headers: Default is False Repeats the header for every element in a list. Example if True: .. code-block:: python "Bike": [ {'frame_color': 'red'}, {'frame_color': 'green'} ]} results in .. code-block:: xml <Bike><frame_color>red</frame_color></Bike> <Bike><frame_color>green</frame_color></Bike> Dictionaries-keys with special char '@' has special meaning: @attrs: This allows custom xml attributes: .. code-block:: python {'@attr':{'a':'b'}, 'x':'y'} results in .. code-block:: xml <root a="b"><x>y</x></root> @flat: If a key ends with @flat (or dict contains key '@flat'), encapsulating node is omitted. Similar to item_wrap. @val: @attrs requires complex dict type. If primitive type should be used, then @val is used as key. To add custom xml-attributes on a list {'list': [4, 5, 6]}, you do this: .. code-block:: python {'list': {'@attrs': {'a':'b','c':'d'}, '@val': [4, 5, 6]} which results in .. code-block:: xml <list a="b" c="d"><item>4</item><item>5</item><item>6</item></list> """ output = [] namespace_str = "" for prefix in xml_namespaces: if prefix == 'xsi': for schema_att in xml_namespaces[prefix]: if schema_att == 'schemaInstance': ns = xml_namespaces[prefix]['schemaInstance'] namespace_str += f' xmlns:{prefix}="{ns}"' elif schema_att == 'schemaLocation': ns = xml_namespaces[prefix][schema_att] namespace_str += f' xsi:{schema_att}="{ns}"' elif prefix == 'xmlns': # xmns needs no prefix ns = xml_namespaces[prefix] namespace_str += f' xmlns="{ns}"' else: ns = xml_namespaces[prefix] namespace_str += f' xmlns:{prefix}="{ns}"' if root: output.append('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>') output_elem = convert( obj, ids, attr_type, item_func, cdata, item_wrap, parent=custom_root, list_headers=list_headers ) output.append(f"<{custom_root}{namespace_str}>{output_elem}</{custom_root}>") else: output.append( convert(obj, ids, attr_type, item_func, cdata, item_wrap, parent="", list_headers=list_headers) ) return "".join(output).encode("utf-8")